Монгол Улсын Засгийн Газар, Азийн Хөгжлийн Банк болон Европын хөрөнгө оруулалтын банкны санхүүжилтээр Нийслэлд хэрэгжүүлж буй “Улаанбаатар хотын Гэр хорооллыг хөгжүүлэх хөрөнгө оруулалтыг дэмжих хөтөлбөр” төсөлд дараах нээлттэй ажлын байрыг зарлаж байна.
Материал хүлээн авах эцсийн хугацаа: 2025 оны гуравдугаар сарын 28-ны өдрийн 15:00 цаг.
Vacancy Announcement
“ULAANBAATAR URBAN SERVICES AND GER AREAS DEVELOPMENT INVESTMENT PROGRAM” Project is seeking a professional for the position of Procurement Specialist. The selected candidate will directly report to the PMO Project Coordinator.
Contract: Full-time for one year with possible extension based on performance starting from April 2025.
Under the project coordinator’s supervision and in close coordination with Governor’s Office of Capital City /GOCC/ and Ministry of Finance /MOF/, the duties and responsibilities of the Procurement Specialist will include the following tasks but not limited to:
- ensure that the procurement under the project is conducted in accordance with ADB guidelines and the project procurement plan approved by ADB and the government, and its updates;
- closely coordinate with PMO staff including field coordinators and all consultants;
- regularly update the procurement plan as required under ADB guidelines and seek approval from the GOCC;
- provide assistance GOCC and the evaluation and recruitment committees in organizing procurement and recruitment of consultants to accelerate processes;
- the main assignment of procurement specialist will be in coordination with the GOCC and ADB to organize the procurement process and prepare documentation, including the invitation for bid, bidding documents, employer's requirement, bid evaluation reports, letters of awards, draft contracts, etc., in the procurement of goods, works, and services including consultancies;
- provide assistance to the project coordinator and to the tender evaluation committee in the tendering process for the procurement under the project in accordance with procurement guidelines, including (a) preparation and publication of invitation to bid, (b) coordinate answers to bidder's queries, (c) evaluation of tenders, and (d) preparation of bid evaluation reports;
- assist in addressing and providing answers to bidder queries and in organizing bidder site visits as needed;
- coordinate with processes of no-objection by the ADB during the procedures of evaluations of tenders and consultants’ proposals;
- liaise with ADB staff as required and submit the items to ADB requiring prior review and documents needing ADB approval;
- make necessary arrangement for contract signatures in consultation with the GOCC;
- keep progress of procurement and consultant recruitment activities against procurement timetables, highlight variations in progress, record reasons, and identify remedial actions, if any;
- assist in selection of community based sub-grants; and
- prepare periodic progress report on status of procurement and consultant recruitment as required by the project coordinator.
Essential requirements:
- Minimum 5 years of practical experience in contracts of civil works, goods and services in Mongolia.
- A university degree in law, business, management, accounting, engineering, or a related field with extensive demonstrated knowledge of contract systems and processes.
- Extensive experience and knowledge on National contractual procedures and regulations, knowledge of ADB or international donors’ procurement guidelines and procedures is essential as well as knowledge of international agreements.
- High level of English and Mongolian proficiency (to be proven with relevant certificates (diplomas) and/or during the interview).
Deadline: The candidate should submit the following documents before 15:00 PM, 28 March, 2025
- Curriculum vitae in English (using ADB format for individual consultants) and Mongolian, with recent photo taken within last 6 months;
- Copies of diplomas and relevant certificates;
- Copy of national citizenship ID;
- Copies of the Labor and Social Insurance books (first page and subsequent pages indicating the employment mobility);
- Reference or recommendation letters from current and/or previous employer; and
- Cover letter in English.
Project Management Office
Attention to: Mr. A. Erkhembayar
Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar,
Khoroo 8, Baga toiruu 1, Amar Street -2,
Central cultural Palace – 407
Tel: 70003099
Download ADB CV:
Хэвлэл мэдээллийн байгууллагууд (Телевиз, Радио, Social болон Вэб хуудаснууд) манай мэдээллийг аливаа хэлбэрээр бүрэн ба хэсэгчлэн авч ашиглахдаа эх сурвалжаа ( заавал дурдах ёстойг анхаарна уу!