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Төсөлд нээлттэй ажлын байрыг зарлаж байна

2025 оны 1 сарын 20

Монгол Улсын Засгийн Газар, Азийн Хөгжлийн Банк болон Европын хөрөнгө оруулалтын банкны санхүүжилтээр Нийслэлд хэрэгжүүлж буй “Улаанбаатар хотын Гэр хорооллыг хөгжүүлэх хөрөнгө оруулалтыг дэмжих хөтөлбөр” төсөлд дараах нээлттэй ажлын байрыг зарлаж байна.

Материал хүлээн авах эцсийн хугацаа: 2025 оны нэгдүгээр сарын 31-ний өдрийн 15:00 цаг

Vacancy Announcement

“ULAANBAATAR URBAN SERVICES AND GER AREAS DEVELOPMENT INVESTMENT PROGRAM” Project is seeking a professional for the position of Contract Specialist.

Contract: Full-time for one year with possible extension based on performance starting from February 2025.

Duties and responsibilities: The Contract Specialist will have the following duties (but are not limited to):

  1. Assist the Project Coordinator to supervise contracts for goods, works, and consultancy services in accordance with ADB Procurement Guidelines (Latest as updated from time to time) and Guidelines on the Use of Consultants by Asian Development Bank and Its Borrowers (Latest and as updated from time to time). It involves developing/improving contract tracking tools, contract administration tools, and reporting on regular basis.
  2. In collaboration with the Consultant Team will develop design and develop Contract Administration manual and revised from time to time.
  3. Coordinate with the PMO and consultants to ensure that contract activities are scheduled to support contract requirements, and that the relevant documents are completed.
  4. Assist the PMO in all phases of drafting contracts according to the bidding documents, contract negotiations, contract development, signing and awards, notice to proceed and mobilization.
  5. Review all bid documents for contract requirements for procurement of works and goods prepared by Consultants, particularly in relation to possible National Competitive Bidding contractual procedures and to the conditions of contract and provide relevant advice as needed.
  6. Leads the contract negotiation with suppliers and contractors to draw up procurement contracts.
  7. Negotiates, administers, extends, terminates and renegotiates contracts and assists project managers/engineers to monitor the contract implementation.
  8. Evaluates or monitors contract performance in accordance to Contract administration manual to determine necessity for amendments or extensions of contracts and compliance to contractual obligations.
  9. Approves or rejects requests for deviations from contract specifications and delivery schedules.
  10. Arbitrates claims or complaints occurring in performance of contracts.
  11. Analyzes price proposals, financial reports and other data to determine reasonableness of prices.
  12. Handle the tax exemption matters with the Municipality of Ulaanbaatar and Ministry of Finance.
  13. May serve as liaison officer to ensure fulfillment of obligations by contractors.

Essential requirements:

  • A university degree in law, business, financial management, accounting, project management, engineering, or a related field with extensive demonstrated knowledge of contract systems and processes.
  • At least five (5) years’ experience in contracts of civil works, goods and services in Mongolia.
  • Extensive experience and knowledge on National contractual procedures and regulations, knowledge of ADB or international donors’ procurement guidelines and procedures and/or knowledge on FIDIC or similar contracts is essential as well as knowledge of international agreements.
  • High level of English and Mongolian proficiency (to be proven with relevant certificates (diplomas) and/or during the interview).

Deadline: The candidate should submit the following documents before 15 PM, 31 January 2025.

  1. Curriculum vitae in English (using ADB format for individual consultants) and Mongolian, with recent photo taken within last 6 months;
  2. Copies of diplomas and relevant certificates;
  3. Copy of national citizenship ID;
  4. Copies of the Labor and Social Insurance books (first page and subsequent pages indicating the employment mobility);
  5. Reference or recommendation letters from current and/or previous employer; and
  6. Cover letter in English.

Project Management Office
Attention to: Mr. A. Erkhembayar
Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar,
Khoroo 8, Baga toiruu 1, Amar Street -2,
Central cultural Palace – 407
E-mail: info@ub-subcenter.mn

Tel: 70003099

Download ADB CV: https://bit.ly/3nJMVzm


ikon.mn сайтын Редакцын бодлогын 6.1; 6.2; 6.3 –т дурдсан үндэслэлээр сэтгэгдэл бичих талбарыг хаасан болно.