Closing date: 17.00 ULAT, March 7, 2024
“Millennium Challenge Account – Mongolia” or MCA-Mongolia is a state-owned entity established by Government Resolution No 297, dated October 2018. MCA-Mongolia is established to implement the Mongolia Water Compact signed with the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), a U.S. government foreign aid agency.
Under the direction of the Director of Finance, the Intern will perform support functions for the Finance team. The term of the internship is THREE MONTHS. The working hours will be 20 hours per week.
Duties and responsibilities
The profile:
Third or final year Economics, Finance, International Trade, Accounting and Business student, bilingual and with full schedule availability with the following basic requirements:
Please submit your Cover Letter and Curriculum Vitae (“CV”) in English, via email to hr@mca-mongolia.gov.mn
Only qualified for the first round candidates will be contacted.
For recruiting information, please contact at 7711-1710 during business hours.
No fees will be paid to MCA-Mongolia or any of its agents at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview, processing, training fees or other).
Хэвлэл мэдээллийн байгууллагууд (Телевиз, Радио, Social болон Вэб хуудаснууд) манай мэдээллийг аливаа хэлбэрээр бүрэн ба хэсэгчлэн авч ашиглахдаа эх сурвалжаа (ikon.mn) заавал дурдах ёстойг анхаарна уу!