Орхон аймаг Европын холбоо, Европын сэргээн босголт, хөгжлийн банктай хамтран хэрэгжүүлж буй “Эрдэнэт хотын гамшигт тэсвэртэй байдал төсөл”-ийн (Төслийн дугаар №50533) Төсөл хэрэгжүүлэх нэгжид Хяналт-шинжилгээ, үнэлгээний ажилтан ажлын байранд нээлттэй сонгон шалгаруулалтыг зарлаж байна.
Төслийн зорилго нь хотын үерийн эрсдэлийг бууруулах, үерийн хамгаалалтын систем, гэр хорооллын усан хангамжийг сайжруулахад оршино.
Төсөл хэрэгжүүлэх нэгжийн Хяналт-шинжилгээ, үнэлгээний ажилтан нь Байгаль орчин/Нийгмийн асуудал болон Хөдөлмөрийн аюулгүй байдал, эрүүл ахуй хариуцан ажиллана.
Доорх ажлын зартай танилцаж, шаардлага хангасан хүн материалаа зааврын дагуу ирүүлнэ үү.
Terms of Reference and Qualification Requirements for the PIU staff for the Erdenet Climate Resilience project
Orkhon aimag, with the support of the EU and EBRD, is implementing the “Erdenet Climate Resilience” project (50533). The purpose of the Project is to mitigate flood risk, improve flood protection system and water supply in ger area.
Pursuant to the Clause 7.11.8 of the Appendix to the Decree No. 4 issued by Minister of Finance (MOF) in 2021, “Establishing project implementation unit and its structure”, Governor’s Office is now accepting applications for the following position for the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of “Erdenet Climate Resilience” project (50533).
The PIU will be supported by Project Implementation Support (PIS) consultants on technical aspects and the project management procedures. PIU’s Monitoring and Evaluation specialist will be responsible for Environmental/Social and H&S/.
- Monitoring and Evaluation specialist /responsible for Environmental/Social and H&S/
Functional responsibilities
- Be responsible for the overall environmental and social performance of the project in line with EBRD requirements;
- Prepare and implement site and contract specific ESAPs within the framework of the project overall ESAP;
- Prepare and submit documents for domestic EIA for approvals and subsequently supervise the contractor’s compliance with the EMPs;
- Provide project management support to the PIU as required, including appropriate design and preparation of technical specifications; implementation of the ESAP, environmental and social management and monitoring plan, Stakeholder Engagement Plan (“SEP”) and ensure that all environmental and social reports are submitted on schedule to the Bank;
- Ensure development and approval by supervisory authorities of National Environmental Impact Assessment (DEIA) verify and confirm the conclusions of the Environmental and Social due diligence;
- Prepare and implement site specific stakeholder engagement plans;
- Work closely with the design team to minimize land resettlement impact and prepare and implement land acquisition and resettlement plans (LARP);
- Consolidate the requirements for ESAP and H&S in the design, bidding and contract documents;
- Supervise the contractor’s and supplier’s performance on environmental, social and H&S aspects with support from PIS consultants;
- Monitor the compliance with ES and Health & Safety contractual requirements;
- Inspect work sites and the work of personnel on a regular basis to identify issues or non-conformity, and enforce necessary actions where unsafe acts or processes that seem dangerous or unhealthy are detected;
- Ensure that all Health & Safety policies, procedures, rules and regulations are adhered to and are regularly reviewed, updated and communicated;
- Ensure the contractor meets its statutory obligations in all areas pertaining to health, safety and welfare at work, including statutory training and reporting;
- Keep up to date with all aspects of relevant health, safety & welfare at work legislation and communicate relevant changes to the stakeholders.
Qualification requirements
- University degree in environmental engineering or related field;
- A minimum of 5 years of relevant work experience
- Practical experience with the international and Mongolian ESIA and H&S procedures and requirements
- Deep knowledge of the national and international Environmental, Health and Safety and Social requirements and good international practices; knowledge of the IFI’s Environmental and Social requirements is a plus
- Work experience in a relevant environmental safeguard and/or public participation and consultation position in a public administration institution, a nongovernment organization or development partners’ safeguards policy is preferred
- Knowledge of English
Interested candidates should submit the application letter along with the following documents:
- Application of Civil Servant (form 1 with 3x4 photo)
- Curriculum Vitae in English language
- Copies of diploma(s), certificate(s) and license(s) of related qualifications
- Copy of Identification card
- References of previous employment in a IFI/donor supported project
- Proof of English language competency
Note: if any of above documents is missing, the candidate will be considered disqualified. The advertised position is open only to nationals of Mongolia.
If you meet the above requirements, please submit the necessary documents in a sealed envelope to the following address:
Attn: Suglegmaa D,
Specialist of Development Policy Planning and Investment Department, office #202, Governor’s Office of Orkhon province, Local Government House, Amar square, Bayan-Undur soum, 61020, Mongolia
Tel: 976-70359168
Deadline for submission: before 6:00pm, on 14 April, 2022.
Хэвлэл мэдээллийн байгууллагууд (Телевиз, Радио, Social болон Вэб хуудаснууд) манай мэдээллийг аливаа хэлбэрээр бүрэн ба хэсэгчлэн авч ашиглахдаа эх сурвалжаа (ikon.mn) заавал дурдах ёстойг анхаарна уу!